$ 2,999.00

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*Savings are based on similar items sold elsewhere that are of comparable quality and specification including materials and manufacturing process used.

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(NB. Colour & Size may differ for some items)

Immerse yourself in the therapeutic wonders (or... hyperthomic chills) of an ice-tub soak and enjoy immediate and long-lasting relief from muscle and joint pain while helping to bolster the body's immune system. Alleviate discomfort from sports/exercise-related injury, inflammation, and fatigue; the perfect post-sauna, steam-room or hot-tub treatment. The 480L stainless-steel lined tub requires no setup and can be used both inside and outside so you can soak up the healing benefits of a cold-water dunk wherever you choose! Plus, it will look very Queenstown-chic in your backyard.

Most ice bath advocates actually have their own ice bathtubs at home that they can use whenever they want. This makes taking a cool dunk in your ice tub first thing in the morning possible, helping wake you up and priming you for the rest of your day.


  • Size - Inner 80cm diameter and 85cm high
    - Outer 85cm diameter x 1m high
  • Seat height is 20cm
  • Integrated 304 stainless steel liner
  • 480 litre capacity
  • No installation required
  • PVC wood plastic board exterior with antiseptic properties (mold and mildew-proof too)
  • Two stainless Steel loops + Red-Cedar Ladder
  • Service Life - 5-10 years
  • Lid included

Ice bathing is NOT suitable for everyone. Please consult with your GP before engaging in any form of cold exposure therapy to see whether it could be suitable for you. Possible side effects include a spike in blood pressure, a higher chance of stroke or heart attack and hypothermia or frostbite, among others. It is recommended to have an adult nearby to supervise and assist, especially when you’re a beginner. It’s also recommended to start with shorter sessions and build up over time. And you don’t need to start with ice – simply filling this Ice Therapy Bath with cold tap water will be cold enough for beginners.

Elsewhere Price

Our Elsewhere prices are based on similar items sold - you guessed it - elsewhere, that are of comparable quality and specifications, including materials and the manufacturing process used.

We always encourage you to do your own comparison shopping to make sure you're happy with the purchase price. Please feel free to ask us any questions about our products or elsewhere prices as we are keen to help!

Dollars Saved is calculated by taking the difference between our awesome price and the Elsewhere Price.

And when we calculate how many millions of dollars we have saved our customers over time, we multiply the Dollars Saved for each item by the quantity we’ve sold.